Party Smasher

Yeah, well, it’s been some time.


I really need to stop drawing people hanging out in the desert. I probably have fifty of these by now.
The car is something new though.

Other than that, I made a new website/portfolio thing.

And I have a tumblr now too, because all the cool kids do.


  1. fUNKy says:

    Tu défonces! Ça me rappelle un peu l’ambiance d’ Interstate 76 sans le coté disco/funk.
    Hop *wallpaper*
    Le bisou aussi hop!

  2. guillaume says:

    Ha putain, Interstate 76′. La victoire.
    Merci mec :D

  3. ph- says:

    Oulaaa oui!! ça faisait longtemps qu’il n’y avait pas eu de mise à jour ici!
    très chouette illustration, en espérant en voir plus souvent ici ;)

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Monday August 19 2013 illustrations